Selected Publications
N. Sun, M. McLemore, J.J. Amon, Pushing Back: Civil Society Strategies to Address Punitive Anti-LGBTQI Laws in Uganda, Ghana, and Kenya, Health and Human Rights Journal (December 2024)
N. Sun, J.J. Amon (eds), Rights-Based Approaches to HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, Health and Human Rights Journal (November 2024)
K. Hinman, N. Sun, J.J. Amon, Ensuring Access to Justice: The Need for Community Paralegals to End AIDS by 2030, Journal of the International AIDS Society (August 2023)
A. S. Schnake-Mahl, J.L. Pomeranz, N. Sun, I. Headen, G. O’Leary, J. Jahn, Forced Birth and No Time off Work: Abortion Access and Paid Family Leave Policies, American Journal of Preventive Medicine (April 2023)
N. Sun, Overturning Roe v. Wade: Reproducing Injustice, The BMJ (June 2022)
M. Lin, N. Sun, J.J. Amon, No Exit: China’s State Surveillance over People Who Use Drugs, Health and Human Rights Journal (June 2022)
N. Sun, E. Christie, L. Cabal, J.J. Amon, Human Rights in Pandemics: Criminal and Punitive Approaches to COVID-19, BMJ Global Health (February 2022)
J.J. Amon, N. Sun, A. Iovita, R. Jurgens, J. Csete, Addressing Stigma is Not Enough, Health and Human Rights Journal (January 2022)
N. Sun, K. Esom, M. Dhaliwal, J.J. Amon, Human Rights and Digital Health Technologies, Health and Human Rights Journal (December 2020)
N. Sun and J.J. Amon, The WHO We Need for the Next Pandemic, Think Global Health (May 2020)
N. Sun, Applying Siracusa: A Call for a General Comment on Public Health Emergencies, Health and Human Rights Journal (April 2020)
N. Sun and L. Zilli, The Use of Criminal Sanctions in COVID-19 Responses, Parts I and II, Opinio Juris (April 2020)
P. Brest, N. Sun et. al., The Stanford Guide to Effective Philanthropy (September 2019)
N. Sun, Using Free Speech to Undermine Women’s Reproductive Health and Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (July 2018)
A. Krug, M. Hildebrand and N. Sun, “We don't need services. We have no problems”: exploring the experiences of young people who inject drugs in accessing harm reduction services, Journal of the International AIDS Society (February 2015)