
Article XII works on a variety of health and human rights consultancies

Here’s a sample of our projects

Breaking Down Barriers to Health Services

As part of the Global Fund’s Breaking Down Barriers initiative, Article XII co-leads on human rights progress assessments, tracking the implementation of human rights programming to support access to HIV, tuberculosis and malaria services in 20 countries. The assessments aim to measure the impact of human rights interventions on uptake, access, and retention of HIV, TB and malaria services, with attention to the quality, scale up and sustainability. In addition, they will capture lessons learned related to human rights programming within and across countries.

Geographic Coverage: Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Honduras, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Ukraine

Partners & Collaborators: HIV Legal Network, Office of Global Health - Drexel University

Clients: The Global Fund and Drexel University

Working to Remove HIV-related Criminal Laws

Overly-broad criminalization of HIV and other criminal laws, such as those related to sex work and drugs use, continue to act as significant hindrances to effective HIV responses. This project, commissioned by UNAIDS, aims to develop a set of key priority actions that could help move the agenda on HIV-related decriminalization.

Geographic Coverage: Global

Client: UNAIDS